Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Writer's Corner Wednesday, Vol. 9

Hiya friends!

I've had this itch to write, and the idea is kind of a reflective one. I've been thinking a lot about how far I've come in the past year, and it's made me want to write about it...I don't think this one needs a lot of a preamble, so I'm just gonna roll right into it. Enjoy, and let me know what you think in the comments below.


An open letter:

Hey there, it's me. I wanted to write to you and let you know about how my life is going these days, and to do something I never thought I'd have the desire to do.

I wanted to thank you.

See, you'd think that after my professional ambitions were almost thrown out the window, I wouldn't ever have this desire. But here's the thing: if that hadn't happened, as awful and unfair as it was, I wouldn't be here today.

You tried to break me, and I'm sad to say, you almost succeeded. I was tired; I felt hopeless. I started to believe that maybe, just maybe, I was as awful of a teacher as you believed I was. But the great thing is, I'm still here.

Not just still here. Still teaching.

See, my life was falling apart in more ways than just with you. My life was disorganized and I was being dishonest with everyone, including myself. But then, things changed.

If you hadn't done what you did, I could still be there, slowly losing my light and my passion for what I do. But instead, God opened this window in my life when you shut that door. And now I'm in this amazing place with amazing people.

I'm not just appreciated now, I'm actually verbally commended. I have people who believe in me all around me, and they take the time to tell me they think I'm a great teacher, or they like that display in the hallway, or they think it's neat I'm so involved. I'm in a place that believes in teachers having some power. I'm in a place where creativity isn't feared (and thus rejected), but where the more creative you can be, the better you are. The better the kids are, too, by the way.

So, anyway...thank you. Thank you for every single minute of misery you put me through, because today wouldn't taste nearly as sweet without it. My appreciation for everything I have now is only magnified when I consider everything I've been through.

Oprah Winfrey said, "Turn your wounds into wisdom."

I believe I'm doing just that.

♥ Marlee

PS - I'm not naming the addressee for a number of reasons. Those of you who know me will understand, and those of you who don't can hopefully understand my situation enough to see why it wouldn't be prudent of me to attach a name to this writing.


shannon*bear said...

YES! Fist pumps ALL around!

Marlee said...

Thanks, love. :)