Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Writer's Corner Wednesday, Vol. 4

Hey there!

Thanks for coming back to join us on this Writer's Corner Wednesday. I promised to write something for you all this week, and I have kept my promise, though I continue to implore you to treat my writing kindly, as I'm a bit rusty still.

I was trying to figure out a good place to start, and realized that teaching is something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and not in an I'm-a-teacher-and-it's-my-job kind of way. I thought I'd write a little bit about my feelings about teaching.

I often use a sort of stream of consciousness approach when I'm writing poetry, and this is one of those instances. I hope you enjoy it!


is like trying to sift through mounds of dirt and rocks
trying to find the nugget of gold within

it's like finding the biggest piece of coal
and polishing it until you have a diamond worthy of a prince

teaching is living for that moment
when a student says, "i get it!"
and feeling a little sad that those moments are so brief

it's seeking to make each day exciting, inventive
and meaningful

hopefully fun, and hopefully interesting
but most of all: meaningful

teaching is frustration
it's hard.
it's a lot of heartbreak.
(a lot.)

but the joy...
the joy of reaching a student
of seeing success that YOU made happen
of watching a student become a leader

that makes it all worth it

So there you go! Hope you found it interesting, and maybe it even inspired you to reflect on your passion, whether it's your job or anything else. Take some time to reflect and write, and you'll be amazed what might come out!

That'll do it for this Writer's Corner Wednesday. Today's been a long day and I'm looking forward to turning in a little early.

For tomorrow's Thoughts on Thursday, let me know if there are any topics that you'd like to read some quotes about, and I'll be sure to pull something together! :-)

Have a great night, and I'll see you kids tomorrow!

♥ Marlee

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