Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Funnies, Vol. 4

Awkward family photos.

You know the ones.

Maybe dad's not looking at the camera. Maybe sister's got her finger up her nose.

You thought yours were bad, but today, for our Friday Funnies, I bring you:

Extreme. Awkward. Family. Photos.

These are care of, which dedicates itself to "Spreading the Awkwardness." Enjoy, and just be glad that none of these are pictures of you.

One commenter on this photo said, "The only thing that would make this creepier would be if the floating head was looking down on the little girl." Creepier, indeed.

Poor Margaret, who submitted this photo, explains it: "This photo was taken in 1950 while our family was on a summer vacation at the Jersey Shore. I am the lovely creature on the left with a horrendous case of poison sumac and look like a creature from outer space. My two brothers seem only intent on shooting the photographer, and my mother, grandmother and grandfather seem unfazed by this weird person in the photo with them. How did I ever allow anyone to take my photo looking like this? I was just 6 years old and probably didn't think twice about it at the time."

This one is titled, "Objects of Affection." Um, okay.

Oh, my. That sweater is just ridiculous. For serious.

I think she might need a diaper change?

And it was posted with a caption reading,
"And most odd is that this a Christmas photo."
Really? That's the most odd thing about this picture?

And a final awkward family photo:

With a caption that reads, "Mom thought leopard print would be too tacky."

Just kind of makes you love your family a little bit more, right? Hope it made you smile, anyway. Feel free to share any awkward family photo moments of your own in the comments below, and I'll see you kids again on Monday! Have a great weekend!

♥ Marlee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Marlee,
My name is Kathy Lyons and I am an Art Producer with Doner Ad agency in Detroit. We love the shot of the mom and daughters wearing the leopard costumers and were wondering if you would be interested in letting us license it to use commercially for one of our clients. If you could call or email me, I can give you more information.
Kathy Lyons