Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday, Vol. 4

Hello and Happy Almost Friday again!

For this week's Thoughts on Thursday, I knew that I wanted at least one of my categories to be babies, as my good friend Emily is currently in the process (literally) of having her first beautiful little baby! I'll be an auntie! :-)

So, first, some thoughts about babies:

"Babies are such a nice way to start people." ~Don Herrold

"Every baby needs a lap." ~Henry Robin
(Shannon: but then again...a lap is an illusion, right?)

"A baby is a blank cheque made payable to the human race." ~Barbara Christine Seifert

"If you were to open up a baby's head--and I am not for a moment suggestion that you should--you would find nothing but an enormous drool gland." ~Dave Barry

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." ~Carl Sandburg
(Favorite so far, I think...)

Now, how about some thoughts on the future:

"The past can't see you, but the future is listening." ~Terri Guillemets

"And in today already walks tomorrow." ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"The future, according to some scientists, will be exactly like the past, only far more expensive." ~John Sladek

"The course of life is one can write his autobiography in advance." ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

And lastly, some thoughts that will be a little on the miscellaneous side:

"All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It is better to emit a scream in the shape of a theory than to be entirely insensible to the jars and incongruities of life and take everything as it comes in a forlorn stupidity." ~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Crabbed Age and Youth," Virginibus Puerisque, 1881

"Most men are more capable of great actions than of good ones." ~Montesquieu, Varietes

"I find my joy of living in the fierce and ruthless battles of life, and my pleasure comes from learning something." ~Auguste Strindberg, Miss Julie, 1888

"If your teeth are clenched and your fists are clenched, your lifespan is probably clenched." ~Terri Guillemets

I think that'll do for today. Have a great evening, and as always, let me know if there are any topics that you'd like to see some quotes about for next week. See you tomorrow for our next installment of Friday Funnies!

♥ Marlee

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