Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Funnies, Vol. 3

For today's Friday Funnies, I've been in kind of an ironic mood. So I decided to focus today's funnies around irony!

All of the images I'm going to share with you today are presented because they pose some kind of irony, whether it's clearly stated on the picture or not. See if you're able to determine each picture's ironic elements, and feel free to share any funny/ironic moments you've had this week in the comments below.

Here we go!

Something tells me this plan wasn't very well thought-out.

(Really, telemarketers? Really?)

Bird: 1, Sign: 0

(Makes you want to rush out and buy a can today, right?)

(What's in a name, anyway?)

(Yeah, I totally trust them to my car's alignment...)


So there you have it, folks. I hope you were able to enjoy and find some irony in each of those pictures. Remember to let me know if there's something you'd be interested in seeing on any of the days each week--especially topics for Thoughts on Thursday. :-)

Happy Friday to all, and have a great weekend!

♥ Marlee

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