Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Funnies, Vol. 8

Hello and Happy Friday, friends!

I have to say, this has been one crazy week for me, and I don't know about you guys, but I was sooo ready for Friday to come on.

I decided today to share some funny pictures with you that come from another great time-wasting site called Very Demotivational. It takes the concept of those profound and motivating posters such as this gem:

For those who can't quite read it, it says:
"Whether we play a large or small role...
by working together we achieve our objectives."

Very Demotivational takes approach. Check out some of their posters:

demotivational posters - 50 CENT

demotivational posters - LESS FILLING
The most disturbing part is that this is an actual product somewhere...

demotivational posters - WHERES MY COFFEE ?

demotivational posters - PRICELESS

demotivational posters - JOY

Here's one for any Harry Potter fans out there:
demotivational posters - VOLDEMORT

demotivational posters - WICKY
I really hope someone else got a laugh out of this one other than just me.

And we'll end with this jewel:
demotivational posters - DETERMINATION

Now, I will advise that you exercise caution with this site, and I don't know that I'd really call it safe for work. There are plenty of less than family friendly posters. I just wanted to choose a few that I thought some folks might enjoy. :)

I hope this brightened your day. It certainly brightened mine looking for them for you!

Have a great weekend. Relax. Unwind. I know I plan to!

Until next time.

♥ Marlee

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