So, Friday morning, I woke up with a fairly sore throat, and a decent amount of congestion. Hoping it was only allergy related, I took an allergy pill and went on my way to a workshop that day. As the day went on, my sore throat wasn't really going away, and I was just getting more and more congested.
At lunch, I got some head cold meds and tried that, along with some throat lozenges. My throat got better pretty quickly, but the congestion remained, and felt at some times as though it was getting worse. I felt more and more awful as the day went on, but I stuck out my workshop and then went home and pretty much went straight to bed.
Now, roughly 54 hours (and about 5 different medications) later, my congestion is still here, though not as bad, and a new symptom is developing...a cough.
Coughing is one of the worst symptoms next to throwing up guys.
There's no control over it, and it can really start to hurt your chest like crazy.
So I bundled up and threw on my sweat pants and made another trip to the grocery store to get some cough syrup and some lotion-y tissues (my sad chapped nose was screaming for them), and now I'm back at home, without much of an appetite, bundled up on my couch and waiting for
something to start feeling better.
All in all, not my favorite weekend. Didn't get to do really anything yesterday, and then I decided to stay home today instead of going to Raleigh this weekend, so I missed out on getting to go to church and spending some time with my parents.
I'm hoping upon hope that I'll start to feel some relief soon, because if not, then I'll be busy working on sub plans and going in tomorrow morning to set everything up. And I hate having to have a substitute in my room,
especially on a Monday.
So, anyway, sorry to whine and moan for a bit, but I'm starting to get a little bit of cabin fever here, and I'm pretty sure the people at my grocery store are starting to call me "that homeless girl who's addicted to cold medications."
Let's change the subject, shall we?
I'm hosting my first real gathering of coworkers and friends this coming Saturday--my very first time hosting a Cookie Swap! They are super fun and really great for holiday time, so I'm looking forward to it. If you've never attended a Cookie Swap before, the premise is pretty easy to understand. You bake a batch (or two or three) of your favorite kind of holiday treat (cookies, bars, whatever). You make copies of the recipe to share with others, and then you come and enjoy everybody's treats and get to take home your favorite cookies and recipes!
I have a bit of cleaning to do, especially with my being sick this weekend kind of sucking up all of my energy, but I'm super excited to have some friends over. Plus, everybody will get to meet
Norma! Yay!
Alright, going to curl back up in bed in hopes of shaking off this...whatever this is.
Have a great Sunday and I'll be back at you as I'm getting things ready for the swap on Saturday!
♥ "That homeless girl who's addicted to cold medications"