I've officially crossed the quarter-century mark.
I've felt a multitude of things today...but mostly, I can't help but feel blessed.
Here's the thing. I am in such a good place, and only people who've known me for a while know exactly what I've been through on the road to here. I'm finally at a place where I'm not looking anxiously back over my shoulder. I look into the future and I feel great about what I see. And it feels so great to say that.
Today, I've enjoyed a variety of birthday wishes from many people.
Just before seven o'clock this morning, I got the phone call I always look forward to on my birthday. My parents began this tradition when I left for college. They call me (usually at a god-awful hour in the morning) and they...sing...sort of...in a really...unique...harmony...kind of. It's amazing, and it always makes my birthday start off with a bang. (Today we had the addition of having the Beatles sing to me before they did. All kinds of awesome.)
Shortly after, I got a text from one of my favorites, Shannon. Then another from Ginny a little while after.
I woke up to a smattering of birthday wishes on my facebook wall, which blossomed into a page full of friends and family showering me with love.
All throughout the school day, I was wished a happy birthday by different people I work with, and even was serenaded by a couple people--including the music teacher, who got my kids to sing along. It was pretty great.
And then, waiting for me in my mailbox at home, was a beautiful card from my grandparents in New York. Perfection!
So really, I'm in a really content place. I'm so happy at my job; I work with great people. And my heart is just overflowing with all the love that's been tossed my way today.
There's not much more to it than that. The school year is off to a great start, and I'm so over the moon to be able to watch my students from last year as they grow up. Things are great.
I'll try to check in again soon. Now that we're back into the swing of things at school, life will stay busy for a while, but I promise I'll do my best to come up for air. :)
Have a great night, and I'll talk to you again soon!
♥ Marlee