Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Updates and other stuff

Hey guys!

Here's a quick vlog updating you on what's been happening my classroom this week, along with some information about my newest addiction, Spotify.

Stay cool--it's crazy hot outside!

Later taters!

♥ Marlee

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This is why I'm a teacher...

I'm totally getting geeked up for the new school year, guys.

It's crazy.

One site that I've been introduced to is Storybird, which is a super cool website that lets you build slide show style storybooks. It's so easy, and I'm really excited to show it to my kids this year. In the excitement of checking out how it works, I create a storybird myself that introduces myself to my kids. It's super cheesy, but it was a fun way for me to figure out the website.

Speaking of websites, I totally just spent time tonight revamping my own classroom website, so feel free to check it out if you so desire!

I'm going to try to embed my storybird at the bottom of this post. Check it out!

Talk to you all soon!

♥ Marlee

Friday, July 22, 2011

Uninvited guests and exciting opportunities!

Well hey there, friends!

I hope everyone is staying cool in the midst of this ridiculous heat wave. I know I'm staying inside as much as I can!

I'm nearing the end of my week of house-sitting our here in Raleigh, and I've enjoyed...most of my time here. I got a little unexpected drama in the form of an ant invasion, but we called the Orkin Man and all seems to be well now. Suffice it to say that I wasn't anticipating having to battle an ant army, but I made it through.

We can officially get back into our classrooms on a regular basis beginning next week, and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been looking into setting up a Donors Choose project, but I need a classroom picture before I can move forward.

What's Donors Choose? Glad you asked!

Donors Choose is an organization that allows teachers to create requests for classroom materials and other necessities. Companies, organizations, or just people who care about education can browse all of the projects and donate as they are able--even if it's only a portion of the amount needed. When your project has been funded, you are contacted via email, and then the materials you requested are sent directly to your school. In return, all that I'm asked to do is take pictures of my students using the materials, and to send thank you notes from both myself and the students to Donors Choose, to be sent on to the people who helped make our project happen. It's my understanding that the Donors Choose organization actually will pay the postage for those thank you's to be sent.

How cool is that?!? The work on my end is minimal. All I have to do is dream up what I would love to have in my room that I know will benefit my students, and write up an attention-getting essay to entice people to donate to my cause. Reading through the site's success stories is super inspiring, and I can't wait to start dreaming big and seeing where it takes me!

Anyway, thought I'd let you guys know about that--as I'm developing a concrete idea for what I want to propose, I'll keep you all in the loop and get the link to the project page I'll be developing. Even if you aren't able to help contribute, passing along the link can be extraordinarily helpful.

I guess I'll sign off for now--don't forget to stay hydrated and keep out of the heat!

See you soon!

♥ Marlee

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Extreme Home Makeover! :)

Here's a quickie vlog about my experiences today. In a nutshell, it was hot, busy, and really neat to be a part of. I'll bring you guys something new in a few days--stay cool!

Later taters!

♥ Marlee

Friday, July 15, 2011


Hi, friends!

Here's a super quick vlog about what's going on in the next few days for me. I'll come at you soon with something more detailed, promise. :) Enjoy!

♥ Marlee

PS - I'm feeling super pretty today. Can you tell? :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day...

Hey there, folks!

I'm seriously at risk of falling asleep right here at my laptop, so I'll be brief. I bring you a (sort of) quick update vlog about how things are going out here in L-town for me. I apologize if it seems a bit incoherent and I said...I'm tired.

I hope everyone is doing well! I'll talk to you again in a few days. :)

♥ Marlee

PS - Anyone who's curious about the workshop--Innovative Approaches to Literacy Instruction with Laura Candler and Pat Calfee. Awesome!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Water, water, everywhere!

So, I started upping my water intake yesterday, and let me tell body freaked out a little bit.

I'm hoping today will be a bit easier on me and my bladder.

Today's goal is to finally get my car unloaded so I'm not carting around all of the lovely teacher resources that Lesli gave me.

Tomorrow, I actually head back to see Lesli for a night, and then I'm in Charlotte all day Wednesday for a training with some great people from my school. T he drive back Wednesday night will be long, but I'm excited for the chance to see Lesli again and get to attend this training.

Another exciting thing coming up next week?

I'm going to be volunteering on the construction site of an Extreme Home Makeover house!!!

Right?!? Insane!

But EHM is coming to Fayetteville, and I'm so excited that I was able to be selected as a volunteer! :) I have no idea what I'll be doing, I just know I'll be there helping.

That will also be happening in the midst of a week of house-sitting I'll be doing for my parents, who'll be taking a well-deserved vacation for the week.

But before we get there, I have to get through the rest of this week! Here's what's left:

1. Drop off teacher stuff at school. :)
2. Go to Gastonia--see Lesli--have awesome hanging out time. :) :)
3. Go to Charlotte for workshop--drive home without going crazy.
4. Spend Friday evening with some of the most awesome ladies I know.
5. Head to house sit for my parents on Saturday!

So much stuff!

Here we go.

I'll check in with you guys again soon, promise!

♥ Marlee

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A New Adventure Begins...

Okay, guys...this is another long vlog.

But it's really important. I'm being completely open about a plan I'm putting into place to lose weight.

Ready to hear all about it? I hope so! I'm going to break down the parts of my plan after the video, so check below for the specifics.

My Plan:

1) Drink at least a gallon of water daily. (Increase by 20 oz for every 20 minutes of exercise.)

2) Cut out (or at least cut way back on) processed foods and sugar.

3) Try to eat mini-meals throughout the day. (More raw veggies; fruit only for breakfast or lunch.)

4) No eating after 6:30.

5) Use my walking DVD or walk outside for at least 15-20 minutes at least 4-5x a week.

Goal 1: Lose at least 20 pounds by August 30th, my 25th birthday. :)

Stick around, folks. This is going to be hard, but I'm going to do everything I can to attain my goal!

Talk to you soon!

♥ Marlee

Friday, July 1, 2011

Books, books, books...and also some other stuff

Today I bring you a vlog about the books I've been reading, and the ones I'm continuing to read and explore. This video is the longest one I've recorded thus far, but I hope it's still enjoyable. Please, please, PLEASE do send along any suggestions you might have for books to read next. If you have thoughts or questions regarding any of the books I've mentioned in this vlog, feel free to throw those at me in the comments here.

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! I'll see you folks next week!

♥ Marlee