Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reflections on a year of learning...

Hi there, friends!

I've spent some time with some great people over the last day or so, and I'm looking forward to spending a little more time with another friend tonight.

What can you do when you're off for the summer but spend some time reflecting and thinking?

I was thinking about how far I've come in thisNumbered List past year, and how many lessons I've learned in this brief window of time. Care to read a few of them?

Well, let's go!

-Denial of a problem (no matter what the size) doesn't make the problem go away.
-It's possible to lie to yourself just as much as you lie to others.
-It's actually okay to put yourself first and make decisions that are a little selfish every now and then.
-Relationships change.
-True friends are interested in meeting you halfway.
-Cleaning doesn't suck quite as much as you think it does. (For serious.)
-Don't allow negativity to bring you down, especially when the source is practically worthless.
-There are plenty of positive people in the world for every negative person that you meet.
-Hard work is difficult, but always worth it.
-Life can always be beautiful. It's a matter of choice.

Lots of learning there, eh?

It amazes me when I think back to where I was in my life at this time last year. I have come so far, and I'm feeling ready for whatever is coming my way next.

What are some lessons you've learned? Do you have a favorite from my list? Share in the comments section below and I'll come at you folks again soon with another blog or perhaps even a vlog. :)

Have an awesome Wednesday!

♥ Marlee

Monday, June 27, 2011

Well, hello there!

Hey guys!

Here's the skinny on the fun that went down this weekend at Lesli's. :) Also, as always, a few odds and ends about things happening (wait for it, Shannon) in my neck of the woods.

Stay cool, kids. Talk at you soon! Enjoy the vlog!

♥ Marlee

Friday, June 24, 2011

UPDATE! - A/C saga!

So I guess I misjudged the repair guys...they're "charging up" the unit, now. I was actually informed that they're "just about done."

Good to know.

Let's hope this thing charges up without a hitch so this whole saga can be put behind us, eh?

Okay, going for real, now.

Bye loves!

♥ Marlee


So, against every urge in my body, I was up this morning at about 5:45. Yuck. I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, so not much could get me up that early.

My air-conditioner should now be problem-free! Hooray!

My repairmen showed up right around 6:15 this morning to begin work on my attic unit, and it appears that now, around an hour later, they are finished. They just took out their ladder and the last of their tools.

They didn't, however, say anything to me at all during the time they were here--or when they were done, for that matter. (Seriously. I even said "Good morning," and all I got was a mumbled "...morning..." from the kid who appeared to be around 17--apparently the main repairman's assistant?)

Is that weird?

I mean, I know that they had a job to do, and I am most certainly glad that they did it with such speed. However, they didn't say anything to indicate to me that they were finished. They just...walked out.

Something feels a little off-kilter about that. Seems to me that they should at least say, "We're all done. Have a good day." ("Thanks for getting up ridiculously early to let us come and fix this.")

What do you think?

Anyway, I'm finishing throwing the last of my essentials into my bag for this weekend at Lesli's, and then around 8:30 or so, I'm off to the lovely town of Gastonia. :) I'm super excited to get to spend time with Lesli this weekend, and I know we'll have a great deal of fun. It's also kind of my first real vacation this summer, so that makes it that much more exciting.

Can't promise that I'll blog much while I'm gone, but I'll be sure to let you know about the visit and all of the great teacher stuff I'll have gotten next week--perhaps with another video blog? Let me know what you think of me integrating the video blogs onto here. I think it adds something kind of fun to my page, but if they're totally obnoxious, then I can stick to the typing. :)

Alrighty, kids. Have a great Friday and a FANTASTIC weekend and I'll talk to you folks again next week!

♥ Marlee

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vlog Numero Tres!

Here it is, freshly recorded--enjoy the third installment of my video blogs.

I ramble about teacher stuff, and also about some other random things.

Hope you enjoy!

Talk to you guys soon,

♥ Marlee

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Hey, everybody!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Father's Day weekend. I've been spending mine with my family, and it's always nice to unwind and relax without any major agenda to follow.

I came out to Raleigh unexpectedly on Friday night--my dad came out to see me, as planned, however, my a/c was acting up again. I returned from my day of spending time with the lovely Ginny to a house without any a/c, and down here in the south, it's been pretty stinkin' hot.

So, there was a note on my counter from my landlady, who said that when they came to check on my unit (per my request earlier that day), they discovered that the unit was apparently frozen in the attic. Awesome. It'll freeze up there, but I'm cooking down here.

So, anyway, my daddy being the awesome daddy that he is, he told me to pack a bag and head back to Raleigh so I wouldn't have to sweat it out until "later" when the a/c people were supposed to be coming back. I'm hoping that when I get home, I'll walk into a well air-conditioned apartment.

In honor of Father's Day, I thought I'd find a few appropriate quotes to post in honor of all the dad's out there. Feel free to steal one for your Father's Day card if you need to. :)

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~ Clarence Budington Kelland

Father! - to God Himself we cannot give a holier name. ~ William Wordsworth

There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself. ~ John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994

Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher's mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again. ~Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby, 1968

Well, folks, there you go! I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll be back early this coming week with a video blog or two, but until then, take care!

♥ Marlee

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Hello, again!

I know I said I wouldn't post another video for a while...

...I lied.


♥ Marlee

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Video Blog!

Who's video blogging? What?

Oh yes--that would be me!

I feel a little dorky about this, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

Let me know what you think! Leave a comment below. :)


♥ Marlee

PS - Not gonna lie, saw the still shot just after posting the video. Sorry I look like I just ate a lemon. Oh well!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Helloooooo summer!


Sorry. (Again.)

Now that we're into the summertime, I'm hoping it'll be easier to update this thing a little more frequently.

Did I mention we're into the summertime?

I'm stoked. I haven't had a real summer off since I started teaching 3 years ago, so I'm looking forward to a short sabbatical from teaching.

So what am I do with all of that free time this summer?

Tutoring, of course. But tutoring, to me, isn't nearly as involved as teaching. First of all, I can cater to the kid I'm working with, and there's no big test hanging over my head. Secondly, pulling together materials isn't too difficult once I've nailed down what the parent wants me to focus on with their kid. Thirdly, it's extra money.

So, anyway, I'm only at school one more day tomorrow to finish packing up my room. Then I get Tuesday off and have a workshop to attend Wednesday and Thursday, so this week isn't totally uneventful, but I'm officially done teaching for this school year. Crazy, right?

I'll try to keep you abreast of all of the exciting things that I'll be up to this summer. Hopefully you still come around once in a while to check this thing out, eh?

Also, stay tuned for further additions to my list. They will be forthcoming.

See you soon!

♥ Marlee